BSA Door Coring Jig
BSA Security Integrators Door Coring Jig for cross drilling door pathways
The coring tool is machined out of high grade aluminum components. The coring head is adjustable to enable the tool to be sighted by a laser at the end of the assembly process. This enables the tool to be tuned so the sighting process can compensate for the bit rotation. The bushings guiding the bit are oil impregnated bronze and can easily be changed in the shop or on the job. Stored within the tool housing are all the parts and tools needed to change the bushings along with a spare bushing set. Also contained within the housing is a wear gauge that can be used to determine if the bushings need replacing. These components are made of stainless steel to ensure accuracy and long life. The door contact points are made of a high density non absorbing polymer. These contact points (pads) help protect the door finish and work well in areas that require containment such as in medical centers. Core check is also stored in the tool parts housing.